大鄉下話Home SWEAT Home





如果真要挑⼀⾸,要下⼀番⼯夫。哪⼀⾸最切合⼼意?過去曾被哪 ⼀⾸感動?還要特意找回歌中的詞句,翻譯之後再來分享,可究竟哪 ⼀句才最能講述當下的⼼境?惴惴不安地篩選,猜測埋伏下的密語真有⼈明⽩在乎?


History has proven that popular songs have infinite power, and that the cultural richness of society depends on its creativity. This is especially true for Cantonese songs. Yet the songs of the century are not what individual groups are nostalgic for. Memories change from one moment to the next, and old songs are rehashed at times, or new lyrics are written, new tones are mixed in, affirming the spirit of the era.

In the following years, only the lucky ones were able to be sung again, while others were misunderstood or even banned. Hence, new songs were written, new meanings were conceived, driven by a relentless reaffirmation of the individual’s will to be free from coercion and misinterpretation.

Imagine a time when the language we know best becomes taboo. What other ways do we have to convey our feelings and values? Is it possible to recommend a “non-mother tongue pop song”? This seems like a strange question.

What is a mother tongue and can I express myself accurately without using it? I find myself listening to a lot of songs in different languages, but I have a habit of clicking on a song list designed by others and playing them on a loop just to relieve the boredom of my commute.

If I really want to choose one, it takes some effort. Which song best fits your life? Which song has touched you in the past? I have to retrieve the lyrics of the songs, translate them and then share them, but which one best describes what's on my mind at the moment? I’m anxiously sifting through them, wondering if anyone really understands the secret words that are buried beneath.

In recommending a song, do you end up knowing more about your own likes and dislikes? How much can we learn about a person or a story by listening to a song?


Choreography, Direction and Costume Design

Yuri Ng

Original Music, Music Direction and Featured Performance

Anna Lo

Creation and Featured Performance

Rick Lau

Creation and Performance

Cheung King-yu, Felix Ke, Eric Kwong, Bobo Lai, Peggy Lam, Shirley Lok, Jacko Ng, Qiao Yang, Zelia Tan, Bruce Wong, Simpson Yau

Live Music Performance

Wilson Lam, Rebecca Li, Antonio Serrano Jr, Victor Tsang, Wong Tak-chung


Dong Yan

Set and Lighting Design


Sound Design

Ha Yan-pui

13.11.2021 [SAT] 7:30PM
14.11.2021 [SUN] 3:00PM
18.11.2021 [THU] 7:30PM
19.11.2021 [FRI] 7:30PM
20.11.2021 [SAT] 7:30PM
The Box, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District

$320 | $270


一個懷疑論者的家A Home with Conspiracy view

